Corinne Grant today launched the Oxfam Unwrapped Christmas gift giving campaign at the Victoria Market in Melbourne touting goats, chickens and donkeys to morning shoppers.
Oxfam Unwrapped, gives Australians the chance to give someone who has everything something special and something special to people who haven’t got much at all.
“Oxfam Unwrapped means you can give a great gift and help the world’s poorest people at the same time. Every gift makes a difference, whether you spend $10 or $2,000. It makes a much better present than socks and jocks,” said Ms Grant.
“I recently bought a cow for friends as a wedding present. Cows help feed families and keep the land fertile – and then there’s the calves which they sell to other families. ” she added.
As well as the usual menagerie of goats, chickens and veggie gardens, the Oxfam Unwrapped range has been extended to include great new items including ‘life-saving’ donkeys, ‘Watsan’ emergency kits, lambs, and even packages of poo.
Unwrapped gifts are available online, through a mail catalogue and in-store at Oxfam shops. Gift recipients receive a card showing the present you bought them, and the real gift goes to those in developing countries who need it most.
“As our biggest campaign every year, Unwrapped provides major support to our programs. Eighty cents of every dollar spent goes directly to the developing country that is listed next to the item,” said Leigh Stewart, Marketing Coordinator, Oxfam Australia
“Every year we are overwhelmed at the generosity of Australians. Funds raised through Unwrapped have been able to help more people overseas and in indigenous communities in Australia,” she continued.
So what’s being Unwrapped this year?
Goats ($39): One of our best sellers, goats breed fast, provide milk for hungry people and income for families… And they’re really cute!
School fees for a child ($26): Anyone will tell you that education is key when it comes to children’s futures. Your gift of school fees for a year will help AIDS orphans stay in school, giving them a chance at better jobs and a better future.
The power of Poo! ($15): This may sound like a crap present, but a package of poo can help poor farmers fertilise an acre of land and get more from their crops. Plus, it’s 100% organic!
Visit to buy these and other great gift ideas, call 1800 034 034 for a catalogue.
Gifts will also be available for purchase from Oxfam Australia Shops around the country.
Media contact:
Melany Markham 0407 515 559
Corinne Grant takes a stand against socks & jocks (with some kick-ass Christmas presents)
General, Media Releases, Oxfam Unwrapped, Shops & Fundraising article written on the 12 Nov 2007
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