US President points to dangers of inequality

Campaigns and Advocacy, Media Releases, News article written on the 15 Nov 2014

US President points to dangers of inequality


US President Barack Obama has yet again pointed out the dangers of inequality in his speech at the University of Queensland.

“Economic inequality and extreme poverty are a recipe for instability,” the President said in his speech.

Oxfam International Chief Executive Winnie Byanyima said his words echoed those of many individuals and institutions around the world concerned about rising inequality.

“Inequality is a problem knocking on the door of most G20 countries, and leaders ignore this at their peril,” Ms Byanyima said.

“It is encouraging to see yet again the US President identifying inequality as a major issue facing the world.

“We now need Australia, as G20 President this year, to heed the warning and acknowledge that inequality derails work to end poverty and seriously threatens economic growth and stability.”

The President also acknowledged the importance of basic medical systems to deal with outbreaks – such as the Ebola outbreak – when they occur.

“These are timely words,” Ms Byanyima said.  “With 15 days left of the UN’s 60 day window to contain the outbreak in West Africa, we need the G20 to scale up resources in the short-term to fight the outbreak, but also invest in quality public health services to prevent such crises in future.”

Ms Byanyima also strongly welcomed the President’s commitment of US $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund and reference to the fulfilment of women’s rights.



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