Guidelines for charities welcomed by Oxfam

General, Media Releases, Organisation news article written on the 23 Nov 2016

Oxfam welcomes the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission’s publication of guidelines for charities regarding their supply chains.

Given the issues that have come to light in the fundraising sector recently, proper scrutiny of supply chains is essential in order for workers to be treated ethically and receive a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.

Oxfam is working in line with the guidelines just released by the ACNC.

We’ve taken allegations regarding face-to-face suppliers within the charity sector very seriously.

The potential for people to face unfair or harsh conditions whilst representing Oxfam is unacceptable.

We have conducted extensive due diligence of our telemarketing and face-to-face suppliers to help us identify whether or not fundraisers are paid according to the law and treated fairly.

We have identified a range of criteria beyond the issue of the minimum earning that will be the benchmark for assessing new and existing contracts with face-to-face providers.

We’re working towards better standards within the face-to-face sector, through the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association.

We’ve also joined with Amnesty and Greenpeace, and made an application to the Fair Work Commission to get face-to-face fundraising covered by an award.

Oxfam will continue to play a key role so individual rights can be met in this sector by using our influence and our experience to hold both ourselves and the sector to the high standards we expect of others.

For more information, please contact Laurelle Keough on 0425 701 801 or