This January 26, Oxfam Australia warns that the impacts of the invasion and colonisation that began on that day in 1788 are still being felt by First Peoples.
Oxfam’s recent report, Takers Not Makers, highlights the deep ongoing economic impacts of colonisation globally – here in Australia, a third of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are in the poorest 20% of the population.
Meanwhile, successive governments have failed to make significant progress towards reaching Closing the Gap targets.
Oxfam Australia’s Chief Executive Lyn Morgain said January 26 was not a day to celebrate.
“This is a day that brings great anguish to many First Nations people, as it marks the start of a genocide against them, as they continue to experience systemic racism, with impacts including outrageous incarceration rates and levels of child removal from communities,” she said.
“First Nations peoples are also witnessing the massive damage and destruction done to their lands as a result of climate change driven by extractive practices and exploitative economic systems introduced by colonisation.
“Today is a day to acknowledge the past and present injustices and to commit to doing better, to ensure equal rights and self-determination through Voice, Treaty and Truth-Telling.”
“While there have been some successes, with Treaty negotiations underway and Truth-Telling commissions in some states, there is still a very long way to go.
Ms Morgain said a shared understanding of our true history was a critical foundation to moving forward.
“We encourage all Australians to educate themselves on the devastating history of this nation and its impacts on First Peoples, and to go beyond the colonial history perpetuated by our educational institutions.
“There are more than 431 nations in this country – we can learn about whose Country we’re on, and about their history on the land on which we stand. We can throw our support behind solutions determined by First Nations communities and peace-processes, like the treaty negotiations that have commenced in Victoria.”
Oxfam has worked in solidarity with Australia’s First Nations peoples for almost half a century. It has played a leading role in establishing campaigns to support Indigenous rights, including Close the Gap and Change the Record, and the Straight Talk program.
For interviews, contact Lily Partland on 0418 118 687 /
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