Rich polluting corporations should pay for Cyclone Alfred damage: Oxfam Australia

Climate Change, Media Releases article written on the 17 Mar 2025

Coal, oil and gas corporations that are making huge profits off causing climate pollution should pay compensation for damage from disasters such as Cyclone Alfred, says Oxfam Australia.

Oxfam Australia is calling for ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred’s estimated $1.2 billion economic cost to be paid for by those who are most responsible and who can afford to fix it – the fossil fuel companies making billions in profits.

New Oxfam commissioned polling by YouGov shows there is support, with 64% of Australian voters agreeing that big polluting coal, oil and gas corporations should pay for climate damage in Australia and Pacific.

Oxfam Australia Policy and Advocacy Lead Josie Lee highlights the need for coal and gas corporations to pay in the wake of climate-fuelled disasters.

“Cyclone Alfred is an unnatural climate disaster caused by coal and gas pollution – it’s not normal for tropical cyclones to hit this far south with this level of intensity,” said Ms Lee.

“It’s not fair that communities are bearing the cost of climate pollution and more extreme storms, while coal, oil and gas corporations, who are the biggest contributors to the climate change crisis, are getting off scot-free for the harm they are causing. The climate crisis is driving genuine hardship and in many cases leaving people with huge costs that they struggle to meet along with their regular everyday expenses,” she said.

Oxfam says that compensation must not only be for those impacted in Australia, but also those in our region who are facing more severe storms and floods, which are causing huge damage to communities that have few means to recover in the Pacific, South Asia and South East Asia.

The funds raised from corporate climate polluters will enable communities to prepare for and avoid impacts, as well as rebuild homes and lives lost and damaged by climate disaster.

“Coal, oil and gas corporations have known for at least three decades that their products are seriously harming our world, and they have failed to and sometimes even actively blocked the transition to clean renewable energy. It’s time these corporations are held accountable for their climate pollution,” said Ms Lee.

Oxfam is calling for:

  • The Government to make coal, oil and gas corporations pay for their climate harms now
  • Funds raised from these rich polluting corporations to go into a fund to support communities in Australia and our region already experiencing the destructive impacts of climate change.
  • An immediate end to all new fossil fuel projects and subsidies, and a plan to phase out all fossil fuels in Australia.

For interviews, contact Lucy Brown on 0478 190 099 /