Latest Climate Change

A hotter world is a hungrier world warns Oxfam ahead of IPCC report

Climate change will leave families caught in a vicious spiral of falling incomes, rising food prices, and declining quality of food, leading to a devastating impact on the health of millions, an Oxfam report warns. Oxfam’s new report Growing Disruption offers an up-to-date assessment of the links between climate change and the many causes of […]

‘Climate action drought’ in Doha risks condemning the world to more hunger

Australia and other rich countries have failed to take meaningful collective action at the UN climate change negotiations in Doha to prevent and address the harmful impacts of climate change, international aid agency Oxfam Australia said. Poor countries will today leave the negotiations with little more than when they arrived, after civil society organisations stood […]

Kyoto commitment a step towards climate change deal

Oxfam Australia has welcomed the Government’s intention to join a second phase of the Kyoto Protocol.

Oxfam Australia’s climate change policy adviser Kelly Dent said the Kyoto Protocol, whose initial seven-year commitment period expired this year, provided the foundations for a rules-based, global response to climate change.

Why Kyoto still matters

Remember the Kyoto Protocol? The only international legally binding framework the world has to reduce emissions? Signing it, to much fanfare, was Labor’s first significant act after being swept to victory in 2007. It signalled Australia’s willingness to finally join international action to fight climate change.

Challenging the hunger myths

As world governments prepare to address issues of sustainable development at the Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development next month, join Oxfam for a conversation with inspiring small-scale women farmers from South Africa to find out how they are overcoming numerous challenges to feed their communities.

Displaying 130-140 of 140 articles