Latest Campaigns and Advocacy

Oxfam calls on Australians to mark January 26 with respect and reflection

This January 26, Oxfam Australia has called on all Australians to mark this day not with celebration, but with respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and reflection on the historic and ongoing injustices experienced by the First Peoples in Australia. Oxfam’s acting Chief Executive Andrew Buchanan praised Australians and organisations who have united […]

Oxfam: UNSC’s failure to call for a ceasefire “utterly callous”

In reaction to the UN Security Council’s passing of a watered-down resolution instead of calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Oxfam Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Sally Abi-Khalil said: “The failure to call for a ceasefire after five days of deliberate delays and dilutions of the resolution is incomprehensible, and utterly […]

Oxfam reaction to the IPC food security figures for Gaza

Israel’s military bombs Gaza into unprecedented levels of hunger In reaction to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report published today on Gaza warning of a risk of famine if intense hostilities and restricted humanitarian access persist or worsen, Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa Regional Director, said: “Gaza’s shocking descent […]

COP28 outcome misses the mark on justice for the majority of the world

In response to the outcome of COP28, Oxfam International’s Climate Change Policy Lead Nafkote Dabi said:  “Everyone fighting against the global climate crisis has little to celebrate from this disappointing COP28. Its final outcome is grossly inadequate. Oil, coal and gas won again, but they had to struggle harder to do so and their era […]

Oxfam welcomes Prime Minister Albanese’s call for a “sustainable ceasefire” and Australian vote for immediate ceasefire at UNGA

Oxfam Australia has welcomed a joint statement signed by Prime Minister Albanese and the Prime Ministers of New Zealand and Canada calling for “urgent international efforts towards a sustainable ceasefire”, as well as Australia’s vote in support of an immediate ceasefire at the UN General Assembly. The PMs’ statement calls for Israel to respect international […]

COP28 draft text a “scandal that has failed us all”

In response to the Global Stocktake draft text released overnight, Nafkote Dabi, Oxfam International’s Climate Change Policy Lead, said: “If this current text is adopted, COP28 will be a scandal that has failed us all. It is unimaginably bad. Instead of committing to phase out all fossil fuels, it only talks about a phase down […]

East Africa’s floods decimate almost entire rainy season harvest leaving over four million people with no food or income

As COP28 comes to a close, rich polluting nations must accelerate loss and damage compensation for countries hit hardest by climate change Six months after a historic five-season drought, massive floods have inundated vast swaths of farmland across Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, right in the middle of the harvest season. Over four million impacted people […]

Displaying 40-50 of 1099 articles