Latest Media Releases

Have a Fairtrade Coffee Break

This Fairtrade Fortnight (1-16 May), raise awareness about fair trade by holding a Fairtrade coffee break in your workplace, school or club. Find out more

More Australians seek a Fair Trade Easter

More Australians are buying Fair Trade chocolate this Easter, according to international aid agency Oxfam Australia.

Sales of Fair Trade Easter chocolate through Oxfam’s shops across Australia are 64 per cent higher this year than last year, for the four weeks leading up to the Monday before Easter.

Rebuilding Haiti

The statues of Haiti’s heroes who led the slave revolt centuries ago are no longer visible. The square overlooking the now destroyed Presidential Palace has become a mass of makeshift shelters where families of earthquake victims try to put their lives together. The new shanty town which has sprung up obscures those national symbols of tumultuous change and great hope.

Robin Hood Tax

A tiny tax on banks that could have a massive impact on the poor. Bill Nighy tells us how.

What do Haitian’s want?

On March 12, film students from Haiti’s only film school Cine Institute in Jacmel, in partnership with Oxfam and FilmAid, asked Haitians about their priorities for the reconstruction of their country. Watch their short film to find out the results.

Thousands take part in National Close the Gap Day

More than 30,000 people across Australia are today taking part in National Close the Gap Day (Thursday 25 March) to send a strong message to government to get its approach right on addressing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health crisis.

Displaying 1570-1580 of 1962 articles