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Actor Scarlett Johansson visits India & Sri Lanka; commits to helping end poverty

Actor Scarlett Johansson has joined international agency Oxfam in the fight against poverty following a life-changing trip to India and Sri Lanka. During her ten-day visit, Scarlett learned how investing in education and basic health-care are vital to saving lives and lifting millions of poor children and families out of poverty. She also met Indian women who’ve survived domestic violence and Tsunami survivors in Sri Lanka.

Oxfam: Eastern Chad must not become another Darfur

Attacks on civilians in eastern Chad must not be allowed to reach levels seen in Darfur, said international aid agency, Oxfam, today as the UN Security Council prepares to decide whether to send a peacekeeping force to the country.

Oxfam flies in relief supplies to assist thousands affected by devastating floods in Mozambique

International aid agency Oxfam will fly out with 14 tonnes of water, sanitation and hygiene equipment on Thursday 15 February to help thousands of people who have been left homeless by severe flooding in Mozambique. Heavy rains and rising flood waters are forecast to continue in the region this week, which threatens to worsen the situation of up to 285,000 people living in vulnerable areas.

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