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MYEFO: Golden aid opportunity missed

The Australian Government has missed a golden opportunity for innovation and investment by failing to reverse its aid budget cuts, Oxfam said following today’s release of the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook. Despite the Prime Minister recently making innovation a key part of his government’s agenda in order to find new ways to power up […]

Only 24 hours to avoid 3ºC deal as Ministers arrive in Paris

As Foreign Minister Julie Bishop arrives in Paris during the critical final week of climate change talks, time is running out to reach a deal on new funding provisions and to secure an agreement strong enough to protect vulnerable communities around the world, Oxfam said today

World’s richest 10% produce half of all carbon emissions while poorest contribute the least but suffer the most.

In a new report, Extreme Carbon Inequality, Oxfam found the world’s richest 10 per cent produce half of all emissions, while the poorest, already vulnerable and facing the brunt of catastrophic storms, droughts, and other severe weather events linked to climate change, contribute the least

The poorest half of the world’s population – 3.5 billion people – are responsible for just 10 per cent of global emissions but are the most threatened by climate change, Oxfam said today.

Oxfam Paris climate talks report reveals massive costs of warming for the world’s poorest

Developing countries will be crushed under the burden of US $800 billion to adapt to the impacts of climate change and twice that number in economic losses every year by 2050 if pledges to cut emissions are not improved.

In a new report released for the UN Climate Change Negotiations in Paris that begin on Monday, Game-changers in the Paris climate deal, Oxfam sets out seven steps to a global climate change agreement that will better protect vulnerable people from climate change

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