Latest Campaigns and Advocacy

Top tips to tackle hunger

Australians are being reminded this World Food Day that simple changes to the way we buy and
cook food can have a big impact on tackling hunger around the world.

Land sell-off a rotten deal for a billion hungry people – Oxfam

Land nearly nine times the size of the state of Victoria – big enough to grow food for a billion hungry people – has been sold off globally in the last decade, international aid agency Oxfam said today. In its new report, Our Land, Our Lives, Oxfam reveals the worrying rush to control the world’s farmland, and demands action to safeguard the welfare of poor and vulnerable communities.

Act of Recognition a welcome step towards referendum

The Government’s announcement to introduce an Act of Recognition bill into Parliament to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is a welcome step on the path towards a referendum to change our Constitution, Oxfam Australia said today.

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