Latest Campaigns and Advocacy

Desperate Measures

Asylum seekers trying to reach Australia’s shores are desperate to escape persecution and violence in their home countries.

New world order must work for all countries – Oxfam

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and other G20 leaders have delivered a vital pick-me-up for poor countries struggling to survive the economic crisis, but much more is needed to ensure their long-term recovery, international aid agency Oxfam said today

New figures show global aid spending remains at 1993 level

Australian spending up, but more still needed

A 10% increase in global foreign aid spending by OECD member countries announced overnight overnight is welcome but still nowhere near enough to meet the needs of poor countries in the face of global economic meltdown, international aid agency Oxfam said today.

Thousands join chorus to CLOSE THE GAP

Thousands of Australians will take part in events to mark the third annual National Close the Gap Day on Thursday 2 April, to urge State and Federal Governments to end the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health crisis.

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