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G20 must act to protect poor from economic crisis

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd must use his position as a regional leader to make sure this week’s G20 meeting doesn’t leave the world’s poor paying the highest price for the current financial crisis, according to international aid agency Oxfam.

A Citizen’s Guide to the Mekong region: Oxfam

The Asian Development Bank needs to be far more accountable for projects that damage the lives of some of the poorest people in Asia according to a new Oxfam Australia report. The report is aimed at citizens of countries in Asia where the bank operates and provides advice on holding the bank to account.

World Food Day report highlights regional crisis

Food insecurity in the East Asia and Pacific Region is fast becoming a chronic problem, with a report released today showing that people in parts of East Timor are now facing up to five months a year without enough food to eat, according to international aid agency Oxfam.

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