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Oxfam scales up its aid in Colombia as worst floods in 60 years hit two million people

Oxfam is scaling up its aid effort to reach 200,000 people affected by the severe floods that have hit Colombia in recent weeks. The floods have affected more than two million people in 28 out of 32 districts in the country. The agency called on the international community for an increased aid response to the emergency, warning that heavy rains are expected to continue for many weeks.

More Australians buying fair trade Christmas presents: Oxfam

From December 1-12, Oxfam sold 18,500 more fair trade products (up 17.4%) and served 8.6% more customers through its 23 shops around Australia compared to the same period last year.

This pattern is echoed through the rest of the year, with Australians buying 8.8% more fair trade products through Oxfam’s Shops overall in 2010 so far, compared to the same point in 2009.

Waking up from the Copenhagen hangover

Cancun is an important chapter in the epic story to tackle global climate change. If countries view Cancun as they should – a turning point from which to build from – the end of the book could well be in sight.

How giving is your Christmas gift?

Australians can make a real difference to the lives of people in poor communities around the world simply through the Christmas gifts they purchase this year, according to Oxfam Australia.

The international aid agency today called on Australians to consider gifts that give back, such as fair trade items and donation cards that support producers and programs in developing countries.

Resource sector can help share the wealth

The revenue the extractives sector generates each year in poor countries is far greater than official aid flows and could see major improvements within countries if a portion was directed towards essential services for local people.

Action must prevail in Cancun

While in South Western Bangladesh last week, I watched as a woman named Shahana sat cross-legged on the ground with thirty members of her community noting down the many ways changing weather patterns were impacting their lives.

Haiti : Oxfam responds to cholera crisis – Aid agency already reaching 25,000

“We are obviously concerned about the spread of cholera to Port-au-Prince. However, earthquake victims living in and around the capital have better access to clean water, latrines and better knowledge of good hygiene practices than in rural areas. We have been doing ongoing educational sessions in dozens of camps ever since the earthquake struck.

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