Latest Campaigns and Advocacy

Ferocious Hurricane Matthew tears through Caribbean, Oxfam responding

As the scale of devastation wrought by Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean becomes apparent today, Oxfam staff in Haiti, Cuba and the Dominican Republic are preparing to do needs assessments and to respond if requested. Oxfam’s spokesman in the Haitian capital Port au Prince, Jean Claude Fignole, reported heavy rain, very strong winds and flooding. […]

Kimberley land rights struggle features in global Oxfam report

Ongoing attempts to undermine native title in Australia’s Kimberley region have been highlighted in a new Oxfam global report pushing for the land rights of Indigenous peoples across the world. The Custodians of the land, Defenders of our future report highlights a global land rush that is forcing millions of Indigenous people from their homelands. According […]

Hunger stalks north-eastern Nigeria as millions of people face severe hunger

The ongoing conflict with Boko Haram in West Africa has pushed the number of people facing the threat of severe hunger to more than 6 million according to the latest assessments, say 15 humanitarian organisations. The warning comes as governments and donors meet to talk about the humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin region […]

Australian Government’s increase to funding welcome but refugee intake doesn’t go far enough

Oxfam has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement in New York of further funding for refugees globally, but is concerned the increase to Australia’s humanitarian intake has not risen. Oxfam’s Chief Executive Dr Helen Szoke is disappointed there is no actual increase to Australia’s humanitarian intake. “Tony Abbott announced this increase from 13,750 to 18,750 refugees […]

Government must show leadership on migration and stop grandstanding: Oxfam

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has persisted in spruiking a migration program at the United Nations summit in New York that traumatises and harms vulnerable asylum seekers and migrants, is extremely costly and is increasingly unpopular with the Australian public. Oxfam’s Chief Executive Helen Szoke said rather than wasting time and grandstanding about the benefits of […]

Australia must do far more for Pacific Island neighbours on climate – Oxfam

Despite a promising announcement today of an increase in funding to help Pacific Island countries facing the devastating impacts of climate change, Oxfam has warned Australia still has a long way to go to meet its responsibilities. Oxfam climate change adviser Dr Simon Bradshaw said the Prime Minister’s announcement of a $300 million, four-year package […]

Aid and human rights agencies condemn slow pace on 12,000 refugees promise

The nation’s leading humanitarian and human rights organisations are calling on the Australian Government to resettle the promised 12,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq by the first quarter of 2017. It’s a year today since the Government made the pledge to grant an additional 12,000 Syrians and Iraqis a permanent visa in response to an […]

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