Latest Campaigns and Advocacy

Civilians must be safely evacuated from East Aleppo: Oxfam

With the brief ceasefire in Aleppo having collapsed overnight and the planned evacuation of rebel fighters and civilians being paused, Oxfam is calling for civilians to be helped to flee to safety. Airstrikes and the shelling of rebel-held areas resumed and Oxfam Australia’s Humanitarian Manager Meg Quartermaine said estimates were that somewhere between 50,000 and […]

Oxfam deeply concerned at reports of civilian executions in Aleppo

Responding to reports that dozens of Syrian civilians in formerly rebel-held East Aleppo have been executed by pro-government forces, Oxfam’s Syria Crisis response Manager, Andy Baker, said: “Oxfam is deeply concerned at reports that dozens of civilians, including women and children, have been executed in Aleppo by pro-government forces. “The government of Syria and their […]

Tax havens stashing billions in Australian corporate tax

More than $4 billion in Australian tax is being shifted by Australian-based multinationals into the world’s 15 worst corporate tax havens each year, depriving public coffers of revenue that could be spent on schools, hospitals and tackling poverty, new Oxfam research has revealed. Oxfam has named the worst tax havens for encouraging multinational corporate tax […]

Report on Indigenous disadvantage highlights need to close the gap

Responding to findings from the Productivity Commission’s new report today on Indigenous disadvantage, Oxfam Australia Chief Executive Dr Helen Szoke said: “With the release today of the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report, it’s clear Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull must take a leadership role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs and recommit to closing the gap. […]

Government announcement on offshore detention must end damaging regime

Responding to the Australian Government’s announcement of a refugee resettlement deal with the United States: Oxfam Australia’s Humanitarian Policy Advisor Dr Nicole Bieske said: “The announcement from the government today to resettle people from Nauru must bring to an end Australia’s damaging offshore processing regime. “Oxfam is concerned that the agreement does not end the […]

Oxfam welcomes Australia’s ratification of Paris climate agreement

Responding to reports that Australia has joined more than 103 other countries in ratifying the Paris climate agreement, Oxfam Australia’s climate change advisor Dr Simon Bradshaw said: “Oxfam welcomes the decision to ratify the agreement and the opportunities it presents for helping vulnerable communities adapt to the impacts of a changing climate, especially countries in […]

Australia in denial as world forges ahead on Paris Agreement

On the eve of the Paris Agreement entering into force tomorrow and governments heading to Morocco for the first crucial talks on its implementation, international aid agency Oxfam is calling on Australia to start living up to its responsibilities and face the reality of the immense risks in our region.

’Tis the season to shop ethically

Oxfam Australia is challenging the nation to make 2016 our most ethical Christmas yet by committing to purchase at least one ethically sourced item this festive season. Research shows that if one in four Aussies made one ethical Christmas purchase through Oxfam, Australia could raise more than $11.5 billion for the fight against poverty. That’s […]

Displaying 480-490 of 1135 articles